
Developing A Website – Workbook


Who would benefit from this workbook?

1. People wanting to learn about Internet design.
2. People planning a new website.
3. People wanting to improve the design of an existing website.
4. People looking to drive traffic to their website.
5. People looking for ways to make money with the Internet.

Price includes free shipping and handling.

SKU: B0005 Category:

While creating a website is now a snap to do with today’s easy to use technology and drag and drop interfaces, the vast majority of websites are not successful. They get very little traffic, if any.  And many of those websites that do get traffic do not produce much in results. Much of this has to do with the design of the site. This includes both what you see and do not see on the web pages that make up the site.

The purpose behind our workbook is to help you “create a pulling website” that brings in the maximum traffic possible and leads to the most promising results. To do this does not have to be very expensive, intimidating, nor complicated. By the time you get through our workbook, you too can possess the knowledge required to be up and running with your own winning website!

There is a process in creating a successful pulling website. In many ways it can be compared to cooking a wonderful meal. While everyone has access to a kitchen, cooking utensils, and ingredients, not everyone knows how to cook.  That is why cook books are so popular and packaged food comes with directions on it.  Our workbook can serve as your “Web Development Cook Book”!

Much too often many of the basic essentials are overlooked during the design which results in the website failing or not doing as well as it could.  For example, ever wonder why some websites end up on top of the list on a search engine’s result page and while other sites do not?  A large part of this has to do with the design of the website in which key “ingredients” are “not” left out. Our workbook addresses things like this. 

We have put over 25 years of knowledge and experience in the computer consulting business into this workbook .  Want to learn our secrets? Read on!

Everywhere we look and turn, there is talk concerning the Internet and all its many subdivisions.  In many areas and ways, the Internet now rivals, and even surpasses, both television and radio in information distribution and entertainment.  For most people in business, the Internet now serves a role that is just as important as their telephone, cell phone, and fax machine.  Few can argue against the fact that the Internet will no doubt continue to play a major role in how we do things well into the 21st century, especially with the adaptation of Smartphones.

The most mesmerizing thing about the Internet is that it is one of the few entities left where the “AMERICAN DREAM” is still alive and well.  There are many opportunities over the Internet if you have the right idea, product, or service.  If you can get yourself onto the Internet, you too can compete with the “BIG BOYS!”  Your work and efforts will stand or fall entirely on their own merits.  Within the broadest limits imaginable, there is no one to stop you, no one to second-guess you, and no one to restrict your growth!

Those currently in business, or thinking of starting a business, who “properly” establish themselves on the Internet will have the potential to make a lot of money and remain technologically competitive, regardless of what type of business they are in.   The COVID-19 lockdown drastically changed the online culture and now is “the time to strike while the iron is hot.”

To create a pulling Internet site is much easier to do than first imagined, and the cost does not have to bankrupt you!  Our workbook well help you understand the basics of an Internet site that are often overlooked during the development and refinement stages.  In addition, we show you how to build a website on a shoestring.  No product to sell, no problem! Our workbook talks about how to find a product.

If you can use one of the newer word processors and web browsers, you too can easily publish to the Internet.  It’s really that easy!  However, just like a master chef who has spent years in the kitchen, you need to know what you are doing to develop that steady flow of constant traffic to your site that produces significant results.

It is much too easy for us to get distracted and thrown off course during the design and implementation stages of our website. This is especially true if we want it to have all the fancy bells and whistles overnight. Think about all that goes into baking a fine tasting cake.  It only takes one ingredient left out or one step skipped to ruin it!  In many ways, developing a powerful pulling website is no different.  To help keep you on track, most screens in our workbook we have an option called Task List.  Use this Excel file to best implement and keep track of the items discussed in the workbook. Considered this your personal “Web Recipe” that is tailored towards your personal Internet goals. Use the Task List to create and edit notes and use tracking features to keep focused on the key items to consider while developing and refining your website.

By the time you get through our workbook, you too can be up and running with your own pulling website!

Download The Excel File That Goes With This Workbook
check your download folder for the file after you click the download link)


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