Microsoft Online Courses – Your simple solution to improving your Microsoft computer skills
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Over the last several decades, computers have greatly changed the way we do things in our everyday lives, especially after the pandemic lockdown of 2020. They add convenience to our daily tasks, enhance our education, and have provide us with many convenient office tools. Trends in education and the job market over the last ten years indicate that those who have strong computer skills will remain competitive in the job market and keep working. This is especially true during tough economic times! Those without strong computer skills will find themselves struggling and maybe even out of a job.
“Millions of jobs that have been shortchanged or wiped out entirely by the coronavirus pandemic are unlikely to come back, economists warn, setting up a massive need for career changes and retraining in the United States.” – The Washington Post
Thus, as we put the COVID-19 Pandemic far behind us, computer education is more important than ever before!
We have taken much of our training and consulting experience and placed it into our Outlook training. Over the years we have developed a computer training method which consists of a three-prong attack that you will see demonstrated throughout this course. This method can be summarized as:
1) Describe to the student what a feature does
2) Demonstrate the feature to the student
3) Let the student try it
EasyPass Excel Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
Who would benefit from this training program?
1. Users who are totally new to Excel and/or spreadsheets.
2. Experienced Excel users who are new to the 2016 through 365 Environments.
3. Experienced Excel users who are looking for shortcuts and tips.
4. Experienced/Novice users wanting to learn Excel Charts, Tables, VLOOKUPs, and Pivot Tables.
5. Users who want much more than just a video to learn from.
6. Users wanting to stay competitive in both school and the job market.

Computer education that keeps you up-to-date in today’s fast pace, high-tech world is now more important than ever before!
All businesses and individuals have the need to crunch numbers and see data in one form or another, at one time or another.  Thus, one program which is currently in high demand in the job market and used heavily in education is Microsoft Excel. Excel is a program used to create spreadsheets. A spreadsheet is a computer program designed to facilitate the manipulation of data in the form of numbers and lists. It will save you lots of time and improve accuracy when calculating equations with many variables. With a spreadsheet you can easily produce projections, budgets, salary expenses, tax reports, proposals, charts, loan estimates, and so much more!  No wonder there is so much need for this program at school, work, and home.
Excel Spreadsheet Example
As professional computer consultants who regularly train students at all different usage levels of end user software, we at Coronel Data Processing fully understand that new Excel users need a training program that can quickly teach them the basics of working with a spreadsheet, while experience Excel users need a program to help them become familiar with some of Excel’s powerful features. We also understand that while sitting hours in a classroom and going one-on-one with a qualified instructor to learn Excel would be ideal, few people in reality have the time and money. Thus, we have developed “The EasyPass Excel Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials” online course. Our EasyPass online course is web-based and runs from our eLearning Academy, This course can have you up and running with the latest Excel versions in very little time. You go through the training at your own pace and convenience – all from your computer.
Our program can help you learn what Excel is all about in a short time.  We cut through all the fat and give you the meat! Very little filler in our program! Our program has a remarkably simple to use point and click user interface that makes learning Excel easy.Â
One training solution that has recently become very popular over the last several years, especially with the explosion in the use of Smartphones, is training videos. You find them on YouTube and on many other streaming sites.  This solution has been implemented in our program as “demos”.  While training videos are a great source of information and certainly have their place in the learning environment, they ALONE do not allow you to customize a training plan to MAXIMIZE LEARNING and FOR LONG TERM RETENTION.
Lesson topics covered in our online Excel course:
Lesson 1 – Getting Started
  1. Launching the Program
  2. The Excel Environment
  3. Navigating
  4. Saving A Workbook
  5. Closing A Workbook
Lesson 2 – Creating A Basic Worksheet
   1. Creating A New Workbook
   2. Entering Text And Values
   3. Creating Basic Formulas
   4. Using Functions In Formulas
   5. Using The AutoSum Tool
   6. Insert Function Dialog Box
   7. Absolute References
Lesson 3 – Modifying A Worksheet
   1. Selecting A Range Of Cells
   2. Edit The Entry In A Cell
   3. Removing A Cell Entry
   4. Renaming A Worksheet
   5. Insert Or Delete A Worksheet
   6. Moving Or Copying Worksheets
   7. Inserting Rows, Columns, And Cells
   8. Deleting Rows, Columns, And Cells
   9. Using Undo/Redo
   10. Moving And Copying
Lesson 4 – Formatting
   1. Adjusting Column And Row Sizes
  2. Fonts
  3. Font Styles
  4. The Format Painter
  5. Alignment
  6. Number Formatting
  7. Formatting With Borders
  8. Fill Color
  9. Font Color
 10. Additional Format Options
Lesson 5 – Printing
   1. Print Preview
   2. Page Break Preview
   3. Page Setup
   4. Print Options
Lesson 6 – Charts
   1. Creating Charts
   2. Editing Charts
   3. Printing or Publishing Charts
Lesson 7 – VLOOKUPs
   1. What Is A VLOOKUP?
   2. Excel Tables
   3. Creating VLOOKUPs
Lesson 8 – PivotTables
  1. What Is A PivotTable?
  2. Creating A PivotTable
  3. Working With A PivotTableÂ
Lesson 9 – Advanced Features
  1. Text To Columns
  2. Text Functions
  3. Flash Fill
  4. Quick Analysis Tool
The EasyPass Excel Tutor – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
***This is the Web-Based Version***
Web-Based Version requires:
*PC, Mac, Chromebook, or smart device with Internet access
Once purchased, immediate online access – nothing to install nor configure.
EasyPass Word Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
Who would benefit from this training program?
1. Users who are totally new to Word and/or word processors.
2. Experienced Word users who are new to the 2016 through 365 Environments.
3. Experienced Word users who are looking for shortcuts, tips, and power features.
4. Users who want much more than just a video to learn from.
5. Users wanting to stay competitive in school and/or the job market.

Education and knowledge in today’s fast pace, high-tech world is now more important than ever before, especially during tough economic times of “company down sizing, furloughs, and lay-offs.” However, computer and other business related classes can be very expensive and very time consuming. With our training program you can learn about how to efficiently use Word 2016 Through 365 to remain competitive right from the convenience of your own home or office, at a pace you set.
One computer program which is currently in high demand in the job market and in education is Microsoft Word. Word is a word processing program used to create documents. These documents include reports, memos, forms, web pages, and much more. There is no greater demand in education and business than a person with “strong” word processing skills. And the beautiful part is, many of the skills you learn in Word carry over to other Microsoft programs.
Word Document Example
As professional computer consultants who regularly train students at all different usage levels, we at Coronel Data Processing fully understand that new Word users need a training program that can quickly teach them the basics of working with a document, while experience Word users need a program to help them become familiar with the latest Word environment and power features. We also understand that sitting hours in a classroom and going one-on-one with a qualified instructor to learn Word would be ideal, however, few people in reality have the time and money. Thus, we have developed an educational online course to help you learn Word. Our online EasyPass course is web-based and runs from our eLearning Academy, This online course can have you up and running with the latest Word versions in very little time. You go through the training at your own pace and convenience – all from your computer.
One training solution that has recently become very popular over the last several years are training videos. You find them on YouTube and on many other streaming sites.  This solution has been implemented in our training as demos. While training videos are a great source of information and certainly have their place in the learning environment, they ALONE do not allow you to customize a training plan to MAXIMIZE LEARNING and FOR LONG TERM RETENTION.
Lesson topics covered in our online Word course:
Lesson 1 – Getting Started
  1. Launching the Program
 2. The Word Environment
 3. Opening A Word Document
 4. Navigating A Document
 5. Creating A New Document
 6. Saving A Word Document
 7.Closing A Word Document
Lesson 2 – Modifying A Document
1. Selecting Text And Objects
2. Inserting Text
3. Deleting text
4. Undo/Redo
5. Moving And Copying
6. AutoCorrect Entries
Lesson 3 – Formatting
 1. Fonts
 2. Format Painter
 3. Styles
 4. Alignment
 5. Paragraph Formatting
 6. Borders
 7. Fill Color
 8. Page Background
Lesson 4 – Inserting Illustrations
 1. Pictures
 2. Screenshot
 3. Shapes
 4. SmartArt
Lesson 5 – Tables
 1. Creating A Table
 2. Editing A Table Structure
 3. Table Fonts
Lesson 6 – Printing
 1. Proofing A Document
 2. Page Numbering
 3. Page Setup
 4. Print Preview And Print
 5. Word Print Settings
 6. Publish To A PDF
Lesson 7 – References
 1. Footnotes And Endnotes
 2. Bookmarks And Cross- References
 3. Indexing
 4. Table Of Contents
Lesson 8 – Advanced Features
 1. Building Blocks
 2. Working With Sections
 3. Headers And Footers
 4. Working With Columns
 5. Track Changes
 7. Secure A Document
The EasyPass Word Tutor – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
***This is the Web-Based Version***
Web-Based Version requires:
*PC, Mac, Chromebook, or smart device with Internet access
Once purchased, immediate online access – nothing to install nor configure.
EasyPass PowerPoint Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
Who would benefit from this training program?
1. Users who are totally new to PowerPoint.
2. Experienced PowerPoint users who are new to the 2016 through 365 Environments.
3. Experienced PowerPoint users who are looking for shortcuts and power tips.
4. Users who want much more than just a video to learn from.
5. Users wanting to stay competitive in school and/or the job market.

One computer program which is currently in high demand in the job market and in education is Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a program used to create presentations, flyers, videos, and much more. There is no greater demand in education and business than a person with “strong” PowerPoint skills.
PowerPoint Presentation Example
As professional computer consultants who regularly train students at all different usage levels, we at Coronel Data Processing fully understand that new PowerPoint users need a training program that can quickly teach them the basics of working with a presentation, while experience PowerPoint users need a program to help them become familiar with advanced features. We also understand that sitting hours in a classroom and going one-on-one with a qualified instructor to learn PowerPoint would be ideal, however, few people in reality have the time and money. Thus, we have developed “The Electronic PowerPoint Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials”.  This is an interactive computer online course that can have you up and running with the latest PowerPoint versions in very little time. You go at your own pace, at your convenience – all on your computer.
We have taken much of our training and consulting experience and placed it into The Electronic PowerPoint Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials.  Over the years we have developed a computer training method which consists of a three prong attack that you will see demonstrated throughout this program. Â
This online course can help you learn what the latest versions of PowerPoint are all about. We cut through all the fat and give you the meat! Very little filler used here! Our program has a remarkably simple to use point and click user-interface that makes learning easy.
One training solution that has recently become very popular over the last several years are training videos. You find them on YouTube and on many other sites.  This solution has been implemented in our program as demos. While training videos are a great source of information and certainly have their place in the learning environment, they ALONE do not allow you to customize a training plan to MAXIMIZE LEARNING and EASILY TAKE NOTES FOR LONG TERM RETENTION. Â
Lesson topics covered in our online PowerPoint course:
Lesson 1 – Getting Started
 1. Launching the Program
 2. The PowerPoint Environment
 3. Opening A PowerPoint File
 4. Navigating A Presentation
 5. Creating A New Presentation
 6. Saving A Presentation
 7. Closing A Presentation
Lesson 2 – Modifying A Presentation
 1. Selecting Text, Objects, And Slides
 2. Working With Text Objects
 3. Working With Non-Text Objects
 4. Working With Slides
 5. Themes And Backgrounds
 6. Presentation Views
Lesson 3 – Formatting A Presentation
 1. Fonts
 2. Paragraph Formatting
 3. Format Painter
 4. Arrange Objects
 5. Working With Masters
 6. Borders
 7. Fill Color
 8. Page Background
Lesson 4 – Inserting Illustrations
 1. Pictures
 2. Screenshot
 3. Shapes
 4. SmartArt
Lesson 5 – Tables & Charts
 1. Creating A Table
 2. Editing A Table
 3. Creating A Chart
 4. Editing A Chart
Lesson 6 – Transitions & Animation
 1. Adding Transitions
 2. Adding Animation
Lesson 7 – Audio & Video
 1. Adding Audio
 2. Adding Video
Lesson 8 – Present And Publish
 1. Proofing A Presentation
 2. Presenter-Driven Presentation
 3. User-Driven Presentation
 4. Self-Driven Presentation
 5. Print Preview And Print
6. Publish To A PDF
EasyPass PowerPoint Tutor – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
***This is the Web-Based Version*
Web-Based Version requires:
*PC, Mac, Chromebook, or smart device with Internet access
Once purchased, immediate online access – nothing to install nor configure.
EasyPass Outlook Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
Who would benefit from this training program?
1. Users who are totally new to Outlook.
2. Experienced Outlook users who are new to the 2016 through 365 Environments.
3. Experienced Outlook users who are looking for shortcuts and tips.
4. Users who want much more than just a video to learn from.
5. Users wanting to stay competitive in school and/or the job market.

One computer program which is currently in high demand in the job market is Microsoft Outlook. Outlook is a Program Information Manager (PIM) used to send and receive email, track your schedule, manage tasks, and much more. There is great demand in business for a person with “strong” Outlook skills.
Outlook Example
As professional computer consultants who regularly train students at all different usage levels, we at Coronel Data Processing fully understand that new Outlook users need a training program that can quickly teach them the basics of working with email, while experienced Outlook users need a program to help them become familiar with advanced options. We also understand that sitting hours in a classroom and going one-on-one with a qualified instructor to learn Outlook would be ideal, however, few people in reality have the time and money. Thus, we have developed “The EasyPass Outlook Tutorâ„¢ – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials”.  This course is web-based and runs from our eLearning Academy, This course can have you up and running with the latest Outlook versions in very little time. You go through the training at your own pace and convenience – all from your computer.
This program can help you learn what the latest versions of Outlook are all about. We cut through all the fat and give you the meat! Very little filler used here! Our program has a remarkably simple to use point and click user-interface that makes learning easy.
One training solution that has recently become very popular over the last several years, especially with the explosion in the use of Smartphones, is training videos. You find them on YouTube and on many other streaming sites.  This solution has been implemented in our program as “demos”.  While training videos are a great source of information and certainly have their place in the learning environment, they ALONE do not allow you to customize a training plan to MAXIMIZE LEARNING and FOR LONG TERM RETENTION.
Lesson topics covered in our online Outlook course:
Chapter 1 – Getting Started
   1. Introduction
   2. Desktop Client Verses Outlook Web App (OWA)
   3.Launching The Desktop Client
   4. Outlook Desktop Client User Interface
   5.Adding Flags And Reminders
   6. Categorize Items
   7. Working With Views
Chapter 2 – Email Module
   1. Composing And Sending E-Mail
   2. Email Storage Folders
   3. Working With Received Email
   4. Working With Search Folders
   5. Quick Steps
   6. Sort And Filter Options
   7. Print Messages
   8. Automatic Replies (Out Of Office)
   9. Delete/Restore Message
Chapter 4 – People (Contacts) Module
   1. Create A New Contact
   2. Contact Views
   3. Create/Delete A Contact Folder (Address Book)
   4. Contact Business Card
   5. Print Contacts
Chapter 5 – Tasks Module
   1. Creating and Editing Tasks
   2. Create Tasks From Emails
   3. Tasks Views
   4. Sort And Filter Options
   5. Print The T0-Do List And Tasks
Chapter 6 – Â Outlook Web Access (OWA)
EasyPass Outlook Tutor – Office 2016 Through 365 Essentials
***This is the Web-Based Version*
Web-Based Version requires:
*PC, Mac, Chromebook, or smart device with Internet access
Once purchased, immediate online access – nothing to install nor configure.
EasyPass OneNote Tutorâ„¢ – Essentials
Who would benefit from this training program?
- Users who are totally new to OneNote and/or note programs.
2. Experienced OneNote users who are looking for shortcuts and tips.
3. Users who want much more than just a video to learn from.
4. Users wanting to stay competitive in school and/or the job market.
5. Users who want to get or stay organized.

One Microsoft computer program which is underused is Microsoft OneNote. OneNote is a FREE program by Microsoft used to create/edit digital notes. In short, OneNote is a comprehensive productivity tool designed to enhance your workflow and organization. With OneNote, you can make digital or handwritten notes and enrich them with multimedia content like videos, audio, drawings, and pictures. It is like having an electronic notebook that you can carry everywhere you go with the added benefits of search tools, to-do lists, and collaboration features. OneNote is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Chrome, and Android devices and as a web app.
OneNote Example
Our interactive computer training program can have you up and running with Microsoft OneNote and Windows OneNote in very little time.  The beautiful part is if you learn to use one version, there is not much difference with the other with the exception of a few added bells and whistles here and there.
As professional computer consultants who regularly train students at all different usage levels, we at Coronel Data Processing fully understand that new OneNote users need a training program that can quickly teach them the basics of working with electronic notes, while experienced OneNote users need a program to help them become familiar with advanced options. We also understand that sitting hours in a classroom and going one-on-one with a qualified instructor to learn OneNote would be ideal, however, few people in reality have the time and money. Thus, we have developed “The EasyPass OneNote Tutorâ„¢ – Essentials”.  This course is web-based and runs from our eLearning Academy, This course can have you up and running with the OneNote in very little time. You go through the training at your own pace and convenience – all from your computer.
This program can help you learn what the latest versions of OneNote are all about. We cut through all the fat and give you the meat! Very little filler used here! Our program has a remarkably simple to use point and click user-interface that makes learning easy.
One training solution that has recently become very popular over the last several years, especially with the explosion in the use of Smartphones, is training videos. You find them on YouTube and on many other streaming sites.  This solution has been implemented in our program as “demos”.  While training videos are a great source of information and certainly have their place in the learning environment, they ALONE do not allow you to customize a training plan to MAXIMIZE LEARNING and FOR LONG TERM RETENTION.
Lesson topics covered in our online OneNote course:
Lesson 1 – Introduction
  1. Launching the Program
  2. The OneNote Environment
Lesson 2 – Notebook Basics
  1. Working With Notebook Files
  2. Working With Sections
  3. Working With Pages
  4. Closing And Opening A Notebook
Lesson 3 – Working With Content
  1. Working With Text Content
  2. Working With Pictures And Images
  3. Working With Audio And Video
  4. Working Attached Files
  5. Working With Links
  6. Copy Text From A Picture
Lesson 4 – Working With Tables
  1. Creating A Table
  2. Converting A Table To An Excel Worksheet
Lesson 5 – Manage Notes And Stay Organized
  1. Quick Notes
  2. Working With Tags
  3. Draw Tools
  4. Delete And Restore Sections And Pages
  5. History
Lesson 6 – Printing
  1. Proofing A Notebook
  2. Print Preview
  3. Publish To A PDF
Lesson 7 – Sharing
  1. Working With Microsoft Core Programs
  2. Share Your Notebook
EasyPass OneNote Tutor – Essentials
***This is the Web-Based Version*
Web-Based Version requires:
*PC, Mac, Chromebook, or smart device with Internet access
Once purchased, immediate online access – nothing to install nor configure.