
CDP Workbooks – Your simple solution to improving your business skills

Coronel Data Processing (CDP) has been in the computer consulting/training business since 1994, servicing primarily Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. CDP is made up of, and closely associated with, software and hardware experts who have practical experience with the industry’s rapidly changing technology. For decades we have recommended and installed the latest products, and aided in the creation of tailored training programs, helping businesses and individuals utilize the capabilities of the technology they own to their maximum capabilities.

Our workbooks make educational and business solutions easy and practical for users at all levels. Too often, we have seen other consulting/training firms recommend solutions that are not appropriate for the specific client’s needs or lacking in adequate information. We strive to make our hands-on workbooks easy to use and straight to the point, targeting independent contractors and home and small businesses. As your business information partner, we believe in providing you with the best solutions possible!

Click On A Workbook Link To Jump To It

Writing Winning Classified Ads – Workbook

Writing Winning Classified Ads

Advertising On A Shoestring


Purchase B0007

Who would benefit from this workbook?

1. Small and home-based businesses of all types on a tight budget looking to increase sales.
2. Anyone having something to sell on or offline from used cars to real estate, and everything in between.
3. Sellers on eBay, Craigslist, Amazon or other selling sites wanting to add “pop” to their listings.
4. Anyone wanting to drive heavy traffic to their website, social media sites,  or brick-and-mortar business.
5. People looking to increase their advertising knowledge.
6. People wanting a physical workbook to hold in hand.

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Preview Our Workbook’s Introduction Section (PDF File)


Main Workbook Topics:

What Is Your Classified Ad Goal?
Ad Body
Offer Special Incentives
Call To Action

Key Your Ads and Follow-ups
Create A Swipe File
Places To Advertise – Niche Marketing
Create An Ad Tracking System
Applying Classified Ad Elements To Selling Sites
Classified Ad And Follow-up Checklist
Download The writingwinningclassifiedads.xlsm Workbook

Developing A Website

Developing A Website 

Your Web Development Cook Book!


Purchase B0005

Who would benefit from this workbook?

1. People wanting to learn about Internet design.
2. People planning a new website.
3. People wanting to improve the design of an existing website.
4. People looking to drive traffic to their website.
5. People looking for ways to make money with the Internet.
People wanting a physical workbook to hold in hand.

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Preview Our Workbook’s Introduction Section (PDF File)


Main Workbook Topics:

Brief History Of The Internet
The World Wide Web
Web Browser Basics
Things That You Must Get Done
Tightening Up Your Internet Search
Hardware And Software That Is Needed
Setting Up Your Website
Understanding Domains
Choosing A Host
Promoting With Search Engines

Promoting With Banners And Links
Using Forms
Counters And Trackers
Web Page Development Software
Setting Up Your Back Room
Success Tips
Advertising Your Website
Choosing The Right Products To Sell
Site Design Check-List
Download The developingawebsite.xlsm Workbook

Building A Professional Work Portfolio

Building A Professional Work Portfolio


Purchase B0010

This is the Physical Book Version of our training  program! 

A portfolio shows off your work and abilities and goes far beyond what a cover letter and a résumé alone can show. It is much more than social media posts. Not only does a portfolio show who you are as a professional, but a good portfolio also displays what you have the potential to become.  Our workbook can have you up and running with a portfolio in very little time. 

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Main Workbook Topics:

Planning Your Career
Building Your Professional Work Portfolio

Presenting Your Portfolio
Download The MyPortfolio PowerPoint File

Product And Services Planning Guide – Workbook

Product And Services Planning Guide


Purchase B0011

In the PlanningGuide.pdf file we offer:

1. Information on how to plan and develop your products and services to increase profits.
2. An exclusive workbook with worksheets to help you develop a well-thought-out plan of action.

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Main Workbook Topics:

My Business Goals
Selling My Products And Services
Servicing My Clients
Using Social Media To Promote My Services